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Doorstep photoshoots.... Lockdown 2020!

Wow..... what a strange time at the moment, even now nearly 4 months into Lockdown.....

2020 definitely has not been the year that we all planned it to be. 

Improvising my usual photography sessions has been hard but also so rewarding. I've got to meet some lovely couples and families during this time. Some of you have celebrated birthdays, had babies or is expecting their first child, but together we have raised money for a worth while local charity, The Twinkle stars charity at the William Harvey Hospital, but doing so by creating memories. 

I thank every single one of you for booking me or even just for the share on social media, I reach most of you on social media or recommendations and I can't thank you all enough for your continued support. 


Here's just some of the sessions that I done with you all to brighten up the 2020 lockdown experience. 

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